Storage of Firearms in Rented Accommodation
20th Jan 2020

Storage of Firearms in Rented Accommodation

The storage of firearms in rented accommodation does not legally require specific permission to be sought by or from landlords. Any tenants or prospective tenants seeking permission to store firearms and ammunition on the premises should not unreasonably be refused permission. Consultation with the landlord to gain agreement for the location and fixing of security devices may be necessary dependant upon the wishes of the landlord. Such an agreement can then be covered by negotiating terms for the tenancy agreement.

The storage of firearms in rented accommodation does not legally require specific permission to be sought by or from landlords. Any tenants or prospective tenants seeking permission to store firearms and ammunition on the premises should not unreasonably be refused permission. Consultation with the landlord to gain agreement for the location and fixing of security devices may be necessary dependant upon the wishes of the landlord. Such an agreement can then be covered by negotiating terms for the tenancy agreement. Should a landlord wish to know about the storage of firearms based on potential structural concern the drafting of a tenancy agreement may wish to be carefully worded; for example: “The fitting of semi-permanent fixings into the fabric of the property (e.g. TV mounts, gun cabinets etc.) The tenant should firstly consult their landlord or agent as to the siting of such devices to ensure that the structure of the building is not damaged by such work”. Repairs or damage to the structure of the property will need to be addressed in the lease and it should be pointed out to the tenant that on surrender of the lease these dilapidations should be made good.

The police have to be satisfied that the firearm or shotgun certificate holder is not a danger to public safety. It is also a condition that firearms and shotguns must be stored securely at all times so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, access to the firearms by unauthorised persons. This effectively means they must be stored at home in a gun cabinet when not in use.

Low powered air weapons such as air rifles and pistols that do not require a police certificate may be owned by over 18 year olds and used by younger people in certain strict circumstances. The Crime & Security Act also requires the storage of low powered air weapons to be stored securely to prevent access by unauthorised under 18 year olds. This does not mean a cabinet is needed for such low powered guns; security depends on the age of the young person and their ability to obtain the gun should they wish to attempt to do so. Security in this case may be a padlock and chain or wire cable or a locked cupboard. More detail can be found in BASC’s Airgun Code of Practice and the fact sheet “Young People and Airguns”